Depository Safes/Heavy Duty Double Door Depository Safes
Depository Safes/Heavy Duty Double Door Depository Safes
Call us at (212) 431-3200 for pricing and availability.
Double Door Depositories - Rotary and Back Loading
Rotary and Back Loading
- RC-1237K-K-BL-1337K Both doors with dual key lock.
- RC-1237CC-BL-1337CC Both doors with Group II combination locks
- RC-1237KC-BL-1337KC Top door dual key lock. Bottom door Group II combination lock
- RC-1237CK-BL-1337CK Top door Group II combination lock. Bottom door dual key lock.
Standard Design Features
- “B” rated double door depository. Top compartment designed for drop area.
- Bottom compartment for storage of valuables or small amounts of change.
- For more capacity either mode can be furnished with only one door using the entire inside for the drop area. (Single door top or bottom).
- Interchangeable doors – key operated doors will change to combination lock door with ease.
- BL opening 23⁄4” x 101⁄2” x 71⁄2”
*Available with electronic push-button lock
Standard color: Gray
Safes available as (K) dual key lock (C) Group II combination lock, (KO) key-op lock or (E) electronic lock. Please specify.
*BL designates depository on back side of safe from door. Add 2” to outside depth for dial and handle.
SD indicates single door model, please designate top or bottom of safe for door placement